Create Confident Readers with the Science of Reading

My Reading Academy is grounded in the Science of Reading and deliver personalized, evidence-based instruction.
With playful direct instruction videos, engaging learning games, and rich digital texts, My Reading Academy builds fluent, confident readers in just 10 minutes per day.


Essential Elements for Reading Mastery

Phonologlcal and Phonemic Awareness

Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness are explicitly taught through clear, focused, direct instruction videos.

Phonological and phonemic awareness involve recognizing and manipulating the sound structures of spoken language, with phonemic awareness focusing specifically on individual sounds (phonemes).

Friendly characters and peer models simplify complex concepts and make learning relatable.


Engaging games captivate students and provide targeted, systematic practice.

Phonics is the understanding of how spoken sounds (phonemes) correspond to written letters (graphemes), enabling children to decode and pronounce words.e.

Customized scaffolds are automatically applied during every Learning Game, ensuring students are never stuck.


Topic-based vocabulary is introduced in readaloud texts focused on science and social studies topics.

Explore science vocabulary and view live demonstrations of these action words in our everyday life.


A knowledge-based approach with embedded questions helps students access and unpack complex texts.

High-interest, multi-genre texts cover a range of comprehension skills, including text structure, inferences, and synthesizing.


Echo and choral reading improve expression, helping students as they progress toward fluency and comprehension.​

Fluency is the ability to read accurately, quickly, and expressively, enabling smooth comprehension without focusing on decoding individual words.

Explore science vocabulary and view live demonstrations of these action words in our everyday life.

Drive Reading Proficiency with Evidence-Based Instruction and Next Generation Adaptivity